You envision a certain business ought to exist. You see unmet demand in the world. We guide Co-Creators through our unique process and pair them with a Demand Associate — someone skilled in performing Documented Primary Interactions (DPIs). We'll work together to conduct and evaluate DPIs, invalidate incorrect assumptions, notice phenomena, and discover demand.
Once demand has been discovered, we found a startup. The Co-Creator typically leads as CEO, and begin de-risking the axes of product, sales and marketing, management, and financing. Our Co-Created startups raise their seed round with an unusually mitigated risk profile: paying customers, a compelling case for market competence, and without the usual "exploratory" phase that burns investor capital. We lead the seed round.
Applying Deliberate Innovation with us is unique and (initially) challenging. But finding authentic demand and seeing your customers more clearly than they see themselves has big upside.
We invite you to learn more about Deliberate Innovation here.
A successful co-creator has spent time in their industry, learned about their customers, and built relationships with potential hires and partners.
Our Co-Creators think differently than the typical founder. They are curious by nature, and understand their customer.
Inherent to all Co-Creators is a curious mind, with strong beliefs, loosely held; they are happily proven wrong to uncover truth.
Why is DDG looking for entrepreneurs in residence (EIRs)?
DDG is a startup studio at the center of a community of practice for Deliberate Innovation. The studio builds companies by bringing together small teams to investigate and uncover Authentic Demand in promising market segments. We bring together experienced EIRs with experts in Deliberate Innovation to conduct in-depth primary customer research. Once demand is deeply understood, we incorporate a new company and develop new products.
What type of EIR is DDG looking for?
Generalists are welcome, but we are especially interested to work with domain experts in software and AI for healthcare, biotech, cybersecurity, and cloud infrastructure. If you’re a serial entrepreneur looking for your next opportunity, or an experienced professional who sees a gap in your market, we can work with you to build a company.
How do EIRs work with DDG?
EIRs work closely with Deliberate Innovation experts on project teams in a sprint process. Together, they conduct carefully structured conversations and other interactions with potential customers, in order to uncover Authentic Demand. Our sprints are four months long and involve workshops to learn DI, office hours with experts, and hundreds of conversations. Several sprints are run in parallel, and EIRs may be involved with more than one project at a time.
By the end of a sprint, if a team discovers an unmet Authentic Demand and the opportunity fulfills other business case criteria, we build a business around the discovered Authentic Demand. or initiate a new sprint on a different topic.
Next, DDG expands the team and starts building an investible, profitable business. The team works on reducing risk around technology, people, market, and business model. At the end of this stage, DDG leads an investment in the business. External investors also participate.
How are EIRs compensated?
EIRs earn equity in businesses they create with us, and also in DDG’s overall portfolio.
Co-creating startups via Deliberate Innovation
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